Medical Massage Therapy (MMT) aims to relieve muscular discomforts using evidence based guidance from a medical diagnosis to evaluate and treat the musculoskeletal system.
Medical Massages can provide therapeutic, alternative, noninvasive, and beneficial treatments for :
Accident Trauma & Recovery
ADHD - Children, Adolescents & Adults
ALS “Lou Gehrigs”
Alzheimer’s Disease
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Atrophied Weakened Muscles
Bell’s Palsy
Blood Pressure
Body Awareness
Breast Health
Cancer Recovery Support
Carpal Tunnel
Cerebral Palsy
Chronic Ankle Instability
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Pain Management
Cognitive Behavior
Compartment Syndrome
Crohn’s Disease
Emotional Releasing
Ergonomic & Physiotherapy Wellness
Exercise - Induced Fatigue
Fascia & Fasciitis
Flat Feet & High Arches
Frozen Shoulder
Fusion Sites
Growing Pains
Impingement Sites
Integumentary System
Intermittent / Short Term Pains
Headaches & Migraines
Heart Health
Injury Prevention
Injury Rehabilitation
Joint Mobilization
Limb Loss
Lyme Disease
Menopausal Symptoms
Mental Health Awareness
Mindfulness Connecting Massage
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular Health & Maintaince
Myofascial Pain
Opioid Alternative
Overall Health & Wellness
Over-Use With Repetitive Stress Symptoms
Pain Management
Parkinson’s Disease
Phantom Pains
Plantar Fasciitis
Post COVID-19 Conditions
Posture & Gait
Pre & Post Surgery
Premenstrual (PMS)
Prenatal, Postnatal & Postpartum
Quality Of Life
Recovery Wellness
Restless Leg
Restricted Ranges of Motion
Rotator Cuff Injuries & Rehabilitation
Sedentary Lifestyles
Self Efficacy
Sickle Cell Pain
Sinus Congestion
Shin Splints
Skin (Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea)
Spinal Stenosis
Spondylosis & Spondylolisthesis
Sports Activities, Preparation & Recovery
Strains & Sprains
Stress Related Insomnia
Stroke Survivors
Sub-Acute Injury Recovery
Surgical Recovery
Tendon Mobility
Therapeutic Touch Therapy
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Vagus Nerve Anxiety
“Vikings Disease”
Wry Neck
“Zoning Out”
Imbalances throughout the body can reveal the need for additional muscle support.
Medical Massages are most beneficial frequently then tapering to maintenance as symptoms improve.
Ergonomic awareness of your posture, gait and bio-mechanics may help enlighten and further guide your wellness.
Merrimack Medical Massage engages in holistic and scientific approaches towards body awareness, pain management and movement education.
β Now Accepting New Patients & Referrals!
β Offering Direct & Complementary Care!
β Schedule 15 min - 3 hr Therapies!
Available By Appointment!
Contact Jennifer Kendall, NCBTMB, LMT. Medical Massage Practitioner
Oncology Massage is a special type of healthy supportive touch developed specifically for cancer patients.
Everyone has different unique needs that must be addressed ensuring that massage therapy is beneficial to their health.
Merrimack Medical Massage provides a calm, relaxing and a nurturing safe space for all!
*Medical Clearance Is Required*
Compassionate Healthy Touch Supports:
Richard Lee, M.D., clinical medical director of the Integrative Medicine Program at MD Anderson, explains, "Massage performed with this appropriate knowledge and training can be safely done to help cancer patients." No matter where you are in your journey with cancer, oncology massage can help!
Every person will have their own unique experiences.
Supportive touch can vary with every treatment depending upon diagnoses, illness, symptoms present, or how recovery may be changing your body.
Connect with Jennifer Kendall, NBCTMB, LMT,
Certificated in Oncology With Pediatric Oncology
Supportive Compassionate Therapy
Orthopedic Massage Therapy (OMT) treats medical conditions that influence the soft tissues and joints of the body.
OMT helps to restore soft tissue health, improve mobility, and can assist with recovery from surgeries, dislocations, fractures, and pinched nerves.
Some conditions can cause other musculoskeletal dysfunctions when not treated accordingly.
“Ignoring” discomforts can lead to compensating patterns which can influence your quality of life.
Orthopedic massage treatments provide non-invasive alternative therapy for:
•Accident Recovery
•Achilles Tendon Issues
•Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
•Arthritis: Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid
•Bulging Discs
•Carpal Tunnel
•Chronic Pain
•Compartment Syndrome
•Degenerative Disc Diseases
•Frozen Shoulder
•Golfer’s Elbow
•Hip Replacements
•IT-Band Issues
•Joint Mobility & Stabilizations
•Knee Replacements
•Lumbar Pain
•Musculoskeletal Pain Management & Maintenance
•Non-Pharmaceutical Relief
•Opioid Use
•Over-Use Symptoms
•Patella-Femoral Syndrome
•Postnatal Care
•Pregnancy Support
•Quality Of Life
•Rotator Cuff Issues
•Surgical Recovery Sites
•Tennis Elbow
•Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Acute orthopedic emergencies such as fractures may require up to 8 weeks of rest and healing before OMT may be appropriate.
Contact Jennifer Kendall, BCTMB, LMT
Certificated Orthopedic Soft Tissue Specialist
Complementary Consultations
Neuromuscular Massage Therapy (NMT) aims to alleviate the underlying cause of chronic pain by restoring the muscle - joint -connections and restrictions throughout the body.
NMT incorporates trigger point therapy, acupressure and myofacial releasing alongside other bodywork for healing.
Trigger points are tight, benign, painful sites found in fascia and along muscular fibers which can restrict natural movements and blood flow to an area, resulting in aches and discomforts with referred pain.
Patient with Dupuytren’s Contracture
Untreated “knots” can continuously effect the normal blood flow and mobility of muscles resulting in muscle fibers and other tight fascia sites to contract, eventually creating more trigger points locally or referred elsewhere.
Massage Therapy can help restore ranges of motion by re-modifying taut dysfunctional tissues, encouraging muscular functions and deactivating the body’s reflexogenic and myo-fascial trigger points.
Trigger Points Can Occur From:
Recent studies have shown Neuromuscular Massage Therapy demonstrated beneficial results with sustained improvement in mood and motor symptoms (like finger tapping and tremors) for those living with Parkinson’s Disease.
NMT was also shown to relieve numbness symptoms associated with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS).
Meet Your Trigger Point Specialist
Jennifer Kendall, BCTMB, LMT
Certificated In Neuromuscular Therapy
Deep Myofascial Release targets fascia, knots and tension from deep within the muscle layers.
Fascia is the connective tissue that connects and covers all muscles, organs, and skeletal structures of the body. It’s the brain’s signaling highway!
Muscle manipulations use slower, deeper pressure techniques with thumbs, palms, forearms and elbows alongside Trigger Point Therapies and other tools that target adhesions and scar tissues.
Deep Myofascial Release Is Effective For:
• Aches
• Adhesions
• Arthritis
• Blood Pressure
• Chronic Pains
• Chronic Stress due to Misalignments
• Communication
• Exercising
• Fascia
• Flexibility
• Headaches
• Increases Oxytocin and Serotonin Hormones
• Injury Rehabilitation
• Joint Mobility and Function
• Knots
• Lymphatic Circulation and Drainage
• Musculoskeletal Maintenance
• Numbness
• Opiod Alternative
• Over Use
• Previous or Lingering Injuries
• Quality of Life
• Range of Motions
• Relieving Pain
• Scar Tissue
• Sciatic Discomforts
• Sleep
• Sports
• Stiffness
• Stress
• Stretching
• Tension
• Trigger Point Release
Communication Is Vital -
Before, During and After Bodywork!
Soreness is considered normal after deeper bodywork due to breaking fasciae adhesions.
This person has gone too long without a massage.
Real Improvements Begin With Consistent Bodywork!
Contact Jennifer Kendall, NCBTMB, LMT
Your Myofacial Specialist
Sports Massages are tailored to prep your muscles before participating in activities, or to calm, soothe and stretch your muscles after vigorous exercise.
Engaging in physically demanding activities can be harsh on the body and sometimes lead to injuries both short and long term.
Routine Sports Massages Are Beneficial For :
• Active Individuals
• Alleviating Muscular Aches
• Arthritis
• Balance
• Beginning Activities
• Calming the Mind
• Cellular Removal
• Decreasing Numbness
• Easing Anxiety
• Enhancing Body Performance
• Fitness
• Flexibility
• Greater Kinesthetic Awareness
• Gut Biome Health
• Healing Immune Functions
• Healthy Hormone Levels
• Improving the Recovery Process
• Joint Mobility
• Less Swelling
• Lymphatic Fluids
• Muscle Maintaince
• Muscular Memory
• Operating Functional Ability
• Pain Management
• Physically Demanding Activities
• Pre-Activity Muscular Support
• Post Event Muscular Care
• Quality of Life
• Reducing Aches and Pains
• Sedentary Lifestyles
• Speeding A Recovery Process
• Sporting Events
• Stress & Tension
• Stretching Muscle Fibers
• Wellness
Massages work best when received regularly!
Techniques can be paired with aromatherapy, CBD Oils, essential oils, creams, lotions, salves, heat & ice compressions, kinesiology tape, stones, TheraGun Therapy or other massage tools accompanied by routine stretching.
Advance Your Best Life And Live Better
Sports Massage Therapy
Feel The Difference!
Cupping is an ancient technique that utilizes negative pressure as a complementary healing alternative when treating fascia, musculoskeletal chronic pains, cellulite, and other ailments.
Practiced worldwide, different methods of therapy application include: Dry Cupping, Wet Cupping, Dynamic Cupping, Fast or Flash Cupping, and Chinese Cupping or also called Vacuum Cupping.
Merrimack Medical Massage safely uses clean, effective and non-invasive silicone suction cups.
“Dry Cupping” is when cups are placed accordingly and suctioned to the skin creating a stationary negative pressure application.
This modern method does not use fire or puncture the skin for bloodletting as with “wet cupping”.
“Dynamic Cupping” uses massage oil to gently glide the suction cups over the body, covering more surface area.
This moveable negative pressure encourages healthy lymph fluid movement and circulation, releases toxins, decreases muscular adhesions while improving skin tone and liquifying cellulite!
“Chinese or Vacuum Cupping” is safely performed with plastic dome shaped cups that attach to a hand gage for a more custom controlled vacuum pressure application.
Cupping therapeutics can be administered for up to 15 minutes in place. Continued pressure on the area for even a few minutes can feel significant like deep tissue work.
The negative pressure created by the suction drudges up blood flow, lymph and toxins creating the circular purple - reddish marks that remain after a cup is removed.
These marks are normal and they will fade within some days.
“Fast” or “Flash Cupping” only sets the cups momentarily.
This method attempts to leave no colored marks.
Perfect as an introduction to cupping!
For Health & Ailments Alike!
Cupping Benefits:
Cupping treatments can be administered several times a week for several weeks at a time for continued benefits.
Always communicate with Jennifer if a cup needs to be adjusted or removed!
Please speak up if anything is uncomfortable!
Cupping therapies are not performed over the eyes, in body orfices, on skin lesions, open wounds, lymph nodes, veins, arteries, or areas of inflammation.
Cupping is not recommended for pregnancy, pediatrics or geriatrics due to lack of clinical and medical research.
Please Refrain from Cupping Applications If :
Cupping is a beneficial treatment by itself and can be coupled with other massage modalities, Merrimack Medical Massage Pure CBD Oil, Anti-Cellulite Oil, Hot & Cold Stones, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Dry Brushing, Paraffin, Plus More!
Cupping @ Merrimack Medical Massage
Jennifer Kendall, NCBTMB, LMT
The Lymphatic System is a dynamic network that involves tissues, vessels and organs working endlessly to regulate, collect, move, drain and detoxify interstitial fluids back into circulation.
The system manages, collects and filters approximately 20 liters of fluid from the body’s capillaries, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, ducts, bone marrow, Peyer’s Patches, the Spleen, Thymus, Tonsils, Adenoids, and Appendix every day!
This vital system filters the bloodstream, absorbs fats, microbes, vitamins and minerals from the digestive tract, constantly fights infections and cancer cells, transports cellular waste and eliminates foreign, abnormal or unhealthy cells out of the body.
Any lymphatic fluid that does not get reabsorbed back into the bloodstream is called lymph, and can sometimes leak into soft tissue areas causing swelling or lymphedema.
Lymph is naturally composed of water with proteins, minerals, nutrients, fats, and other cells.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a bare handed, gentle and rhythmic medical massage technique, affecting only the skin, that encourages the movement of lymph to alleviate swelling and naturally enhance the immune system’s functions.
MLD is a great preventative and noninvasive remedial therapy that helps :
• Alleviate “tightness, “pressure” and “heaviness”
• Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema (BCRL)
• Bruising
• Circulation
• Discomforts
• Fibromyalgia
• Fibrosis or Thickening of Skin
• Healthy Urination / Bowel Movements
• Illness Resistance
• Immunity Responses
• Injuries
• Lymphedema
• Pregnancy Pressure
• Sinusitis
• Surgical Procedure Sites
• Swelling
• Swelling Associated With Pregnancy
MLD therapy does not produce pain or skin reddening and is not performed on irritated or broken skin, infected areas, or on areas undergoing treatments for active cancer.
If you are experiencing any heart condition, cellulitis, or sudden or unilateral lymphedema - please contact your primary care provider immediately.
Therapeutic Treatments By Jennifer, NCBTMB, LMT Soft Tissue Specialist Certificated in MLD.
Available By Appointment!
Rehabilitating massage therapies focus on muscular healing, rehabilitation, recovery, maintaince and aftercare to assist the muscles, tendons and joints that are becoming functional again.
Treatments may require several sessions a week for several weeks at a time to encourage the most cellular repairing efforts for a maximum recovery.
Frequent therapies keeps lymphatic fluids moving, releases any newly formed adhesions, reorganizes and calms fascia, encourages more range of motion, internal healing and homeostasis.
Maintaining regular therapies is key to future muscular function, performance, stability, and longevity!
Talk with your team of doctors and specialists to determine how to make a full recovery.
Jennifer, your Board Certified Soft Tissue Specialist, uses scientific evidence and patient informed guidance to communicate, encourage wellness, or suggest recommendations for a healthy recovery.
Contact Merrimack Medical Massage Today!
Massage For the Benefit! _________________________________________________________
Kinesiology Tape was first developed in the 1970’s by Dr. Kenzo Kase, a Japanese chiropractor.
He created a flexible and stretchy tape so that when applied to an area of the body it provides support, decreases pain, reduces swelling, and improves performance.
The tape’s special design mimics the skin’s elasticity, allowing for range and flexibility.
When applied, a slight recoil of the tape helps lifts the skin creating a microscopic space between the skin and tissues, beginning the healing process.
Kinesiology tape can stay on between 3-5 days maintaining its effectiveness with physical activities through sweat and multiple showers due to its water resistance medical grade adhesive.
Some athletes use kinesiology taping to help them achieve peak performance and protect against injury when competing in special events.
Studies on athletes have shown when kinesiology tape is applied to fatigued muscles, performance improves.
A 2017 study showed kinesiology taping may improve blood flow in the skin and improve circulation of lymphatic fluids.
In two recent studies, kinesiology tape reduced fluid buildup in women who underwent breast cancer treatments and for people who had total knee replacements.
Kinesiology tape can also be helpful for prenatal and postnatal posture support, musculature changes in tone, texture and circulation.
Kinesiology taping can be used to bring awareness and help correct posture.
Helping to re-train muscles that that have lost function or gotten used to an unhealthy way of working.
Kinesiology tape helps stabilize sub-acute injuries, support musculature, ease pain, lessen swelling, and assist with a healthy healing process.
Broken ribs found the kinesiology tape very beneficial allowing the patient more relaxed breathing, less daily pain, short term benefits, and speeding a long recovery!
A 2017 study supports using Kinesiology Tape to help stroke patients improve the way they walk.
Kinesiology Tape Restrictions:
If you need musculature support for your active daily livings, physical demands, or assistance with sports or injury recovery…
Jennifer Kendall, BCTMB, LMT
Soft Tissue Specialist
CBD stands for Cannabidiol, a natural and non- psychoactive component derived from Hemp.
Natural science links the calming effects of CBD to special CBD receptors within our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS).
Our ECS is responsible for helping to maintain our homeostasis with body temperature, hunger, memory, mood, sleep, and pain.
CBD Massage Therapeutics
Merrimack Medical Massage offers a potent infusion of the purest CBD isolates with organic skin nourishing oils to administer extra biological relief!
Merrimack Medical Massage Pure CBD Oil
Regular CBD Massages May Help:
•Aches •Amputees •Anxiety •Arthritis
•Aesthetics •Bursitis •Cancer Patients
•Chronic / Sudden Pains •Compensatory Pains
•Depression •Disc Issues •Disassociation
•Eczema •Edema •Fibromyalgia
•Headaches & Migraines
•Insomnia Due To Stress
•Integumentary System
•Mental Clarity
•Musculoskeletal Traumas
•Nervous System
•Opiate Dependency
•Limb Loss & Phantom Pains
•Plantar Fasciitis •Postnatal Recuperation
•Post-Operative Sites •Previous Injuries
•Recovery •Rejuvenation •Rest
•Quality Of Life
•Scar Tissues •Sciatica Issues
•Sprains & Strains
Affects of CBD Massage Therapy may last hours, days, or even weeks complementing bodywork!
Openly communicate with about your CBD experiences as you are helping to provide specific “evidence -informed” biofeedback!
Merrimack Medical Massage Pure CBD Oil
Merrimack Medical Massage Pure CBD Oil is organically crafted by the owner here in NH and used for all CBD massage treatments.
DISCLAIMER: The raw ingredients used to formulate Merrimack Medical Massage Pure CBD Oil into a topical product has not been evaluated by the FDA for safety or efficacy. This product may vary in color and character and is not intended to diagnose, treat. cure or prevent disease.
If you have questions or would like to participate in future qualitative research and case studies please contact Jennifer Kendall, Owner, NCBTMB, LMP at Merrimack Medical Massage
Thank You!
Stretching is a vital tool for all ages, improving upon the body and maintaining your muscular flexibility, energy and longevity.
Ergonomic and routine stretching reduces chances of injury, strengthens tendons, improves circulation, range of mobility, oxygen levels, aids heart health and adds to comprehensive wellness.
Certain muscles and muscle groups may be in need of multiple sessions of stretching
Stretching is customizable before, during and after bodywork therapies.
Stretching can be performed solo or assisted, and paired with aromatherapy, kinesiology tape, heat and ice compressions, stones, and many other massage tools.
Enjoy stretching alone or in addition to your favorite massage sessions!
Suffering from restricted muscular mobility?
Engage & Improve With Stretching Guidance!
Let’s determine your stretch capabilities to assist areas that need lengthening, circulation support, improvement and relief.
Jennifer Kendall, NCBTMB, LMT
Certificated With Stretching Therapy
Aromatherapy is an ancient therapeutic practice that uses plant-based oils (essential oils) for a benefit.
Ancient plant-based knowledge, skills, practices and therapies have been utilized for centuries all around the world.
Certain essential oils are powerful bio-active extracts that have concentrated aromatic molecules. These powerful molecules travel from our olfactory senses and connect with our brain’s emotion center.
Aromatherapy complements your massage experiences. ββ
Aromatherapy & Essential Oils can assist with relaxation, digestion, memory, sleep, calming and uplifting our mind, mood and energy, along with boosting our immunity.
Some powerful essential oils are also anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral, and can help reduce inflammation, anxiety, nausea and headaches!
Enjoy aromatherapeutics while you receive bodywork on the cushioned massage table and during an ergonomic chair massage.
Aromas simmer with you!
When essential oils are added to your massage oil, affects remain with you for some time afterwards, acting like an extension of your therapy.
Combining aromatics for inhalation and adding essential oils to your massage oil makes a nice treatment addition.
Aromas, Blends & Essential Oil Choices:
Active Energy (Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Lemon, Grapefruit)
“Amber Adventures”
Anti-Aging (Rose, Cinnamon, Jasmine)
Apple Pie (Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Bergamot)
“Apricot Rosewater”
“Asian Orchid”
“Bamboo & Teak”
”Blue Sage”
Breathe (Caradmon, Eucalyptus, Laura’s Leaf, Lemon, Peppermint, Pine, Tea Tree)
Burgamot - lowers anxiety, boosts mood
Calming (Sweet Orange, Lavender, Sandalwood)
“Caribbean Escape”
Cedar - antioxidant, antibacterial, sleep & anxiety
Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon (Cassia)
Cinnamon Clove
“Citrus Blossom”
Citrus Sleep (Sweet Orange, Sandalwood, Tea Tree)
Cleary Sage
Concentration (Turmeric, Ginger, Eucalyptus, Clary Sage)
Copaiba - soothes aches and skin troubles
Crave No More (Cinnamon, Clove, Patchouli) Creamsicle (Orange & Vanilla)
“Dark Amethyst”
Digestion (Chamomile, Ginger, Peppermint)
“Dragon’s Blood”
Emotional Warming (Jasmine, Grapefruit, Orange)
“End Of The Rainbow”
Eucalyptus - opens nasal congestion, lowers pain
Frankincense -helps inflammation, mood, sleep, asthma
Frankincense & Myrrh - helps neuropathy
Feminine Balancing -helps PMS (Sweet Orange, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Rose)
Garden Dreams (Rose, Jasmine, Vanilla, Lavender)
“Gardenia & Tea”
Ginger & Orange
Good-Bye Headache (Peppermint, Ginger, Lavender)
Good Karma (Bergamot, Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Marjoram, Peppermint, Patchouli, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang)
Good Sleep (Clary Sage, Copaiba, Lavender)
Headache Relief (Spearmint, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Basil)
Happiness (Jasmine, Grapefruit, Sweet Orange)
Holiday Cookie (Cinnamon, Vanilla, Sweet Orange)
“Honolulu Sun”
Immunity Boost (Sweet Orange, Tea Tree, Lavender, Burgamot)
“Immunity Shield”
Jasmine - Gardenia
Lavender - calming, helps sleep, reduces stress
Lemon - helps anxiety, depression, kills bacteria, lowers pain and nausea, may help cognitive function in Alzheimer’s Disease
Lemongrass - relieves stress, anxiety, depression, prevents growth of ringworm and athletes foot
Lemon Meringue (Lemon, Vanilla)
Less Stress (Lavender, Bergamot, Frankinsense)
“Love Spell”
“Lychee Rose”
Mindful Peace (Lavender, Bergamot, Chamomile, Sandalwood)
“Motor Riders”
Muscle Relief (Peppermint, Clove Bud, Bay Leaf, Ginger, Cinnamon Cassia)
“Ocean Breeze”
“Oud Tobacco”
Orange - antibacterial, lowers pain and anxiety Orange Spice (Orange, Ginger, Cinnamon Clove)
“Patchouli & Cederwood”
Peace Of Mind (wild berry)
Peppermint - anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, supports digestion and memory, helps mood, headaches, IBS, fights fatigue, a decongestant
Pine Needle
Prayer Fusion (Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood)
“P.S. I Love You”
Purifying (Basil, Tea Tree, Grapefruit)
Relaxing (Bergamot, Patchouli, Rose)
Restful Sleep (Sweet Orange, Lavender, Sandalwood)
Robber’s Oil (Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Rosemary)
Rosemary - Improves brain function, promotes hair growth, lowers pain, joint inflammation and stress, boosts mood
Sacred White Sage
“Salted Caramel Pumpkin”
“Santal Rosewood”
“Secret Crush”
Self Esteem (Jasmine, Clary Sage, Lavender)
Sleep Aid (Lavender, Sweet Orange, Chamomile)
“Smokey Leather”
“Spice Bomb”
“Spiced Caramel Pear”
“Strawberry Champagne”
Stress Relief (Ylang Ylang, Rose, Geranium, Orange, Lemongrass)
Sweet Grass
Sweet Orange
“Sun Sands”
Tea Tree - antiseptic, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, helps acne, athletes foot and ringworm
Tension Headache Relief (Basil, Frankinsense, Lavender)
“Tobacco Vanilla”
Uplifting -emotional wellness, reduces anxiety (Grapefruit, Basil, Peppermint)
Vanilla Dreams (Lavender, Vanilla, Cederwood)
Vanilla Oleoresin
Violet & Dandelion (Prenatal Oil Only)
“Water Lily”
“White Sands”
Ylang Ylang
Zen Air Bliss (Ylang Ylang, Orange, Bergamot, Magnolia, Neroli)
Create Your Custom Blends!
Aromas are not diffused into the air to avoid lingering scents that may not be pleasant for the next person.
Hospital grade air purifiers filter the air all day.
Essential oils are always diluted with skin nourishing massage carrier oils for hypoallergenic experiences.
Carrier Oils Include:
Coconut Oil
100mg CBD Oil
Jojoba Oil
Arnica Oil
Magnesium Oil
Sea Buckthorne Oil
Rose Hip Seed Oil
Hemp Seed Oil
Avocado Oil
Grape-Seed Oil
Rice Bran Oil
Black Seed Oil
Turmeric Oil
Olive Oil
Sunflower Oil
Stretch Mark & Scar Oil
Anti-Cellulite Massage Oil
Aromatic, Essential & Massage Carrier Oils Are Always Complementary!
Enjoy Your Integrative Medicine!
Swedish Massage is an ancient therapeutic art that relieves stress, calms the mind, eases pain and promotes relaxation throughout the body.
Soft pressure techniques, like effleurage, kneading, percussion, tapping, rolling, lifting, friction and vibration are applied for one’s comfort into a sequential dance of stretching connective tissue, joint mobility and energy flow.
Swedish and relaxing massages allows you to feel tensions melt away while you enjoy a nap or time to “zone out”
Swedish & Relaxing Bodywork Benefits Include :
β Ability to Stretch
β Aids Your Heart Health
β Alleviates Achey Adhesions
β Boosts Immunity Cells
Breast Cancer Rehabilitation
Circulation Stimulation
β Decreases Depression
Encourages Homeostasis
Enhances Mental Clarity
Feeling Happy and Positive
β Greater Body Awareness
β Helps Asthma & Diabetes Patients
β Improves Energy
β Increases Joint Mobility With Ranges of Motion
β Lessens Knots
β Light to Medium Pressures
β Lowers Anxiety and Stress Levels
β Manages Lymph and Lymphatic Fluids
β Musculoskeletal System Tension Relief
β Offers Muscular Support
Promotes Dopamine, Serotonin, & Oxytocin Hormones
Quality “You” Time
β Redirects Brain Signals
β Relieves Chronic Pains Over Time
β Rejuvenates Body & Cellular Makeup
β Restful Sleep
β Stabilizes Mood
β Unwinding
β Zone Out
Book Your Relaxing Bodywork Today…
Your Mind And Body Needs Relief Anyway!
Always consult with your team of physicians if you have any questions or have had any complications or concerns, especially before beginning any new therapeutic massage routine or program.
Pregnancy Massage is a gentle style of bodywork for women specifically during their second and third trimesters.
During this short time a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to physical, hormonal and emotional changes.
Prenatal Massages can help alleviate natural discomforts experienced during this short time and beyond!
Regular Prenatal Massages Enhances:
A Calm Mind
Balance Within
Better Birth Weight
Better Breathing
Better Neonatal Outcomes
Body Systematic Functions
Cardiac Health
Easing Feelings
Emotional Support
Ergonomic Guidance
Fewer Incidences of Prematurity
Healthy Skin
Healthy Hormone Levels
Joint Mobility
Lymphatic System Assistance
Mental Clarity
Milk Production And Lactation
Muscular Functions
Nurturing Both Mother And Baby
Overall Wellness
Prenatal Support
Quality of Life
Relaxation, Rest And Sleep Patterns
Sciatic Nerve Relief
Stress Reduction
Swelling Reduction
Supports Full Term Birth Weights
Systematic Functions
Therapeutic Awareness
“You Time”
Try Our New Pregnancy Support Cushion! Allowing you to lay face down while you and your baby are still comfortable and fully supported!
Expecting mothers are usually comfortably positioned side-lying or reclined with pillows that contour and support your body.
Enjoy prenatal massages with calming sounds in a safe relaxing environment.
Aromatherapy & Essential Oils can be used together to enlighten and enhance your mood and massage experiences, for soothing achey muscles, and to create your own personal ambience!
This is a very special and precious time for you and your children, just breathe in and relax knowing you are in the right place!
Frequent massages throughout your prenatal journey can be vitally rewarding for you and your family.
Connect with Jennifer Kendall, NCBTMB, LMT
Certificated in Advanced Pregnancy
π β π
*Contact your healthcare provider to seek medical advice with clearance if:
*1st Prenatal Trimester (1-12 weeks)
*Bleeding Or Spotting At Anytime!
*Cold *Covid *Flu *Illness
*Contagious Conditions Or Disease
*Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Blood Clot History
*Heart Condition
*High-Blood Pressure
*High-Blood Pressure - Induced by Pregnancy
*Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
*Previous / Current Pre-Term Labor
*Severe / Sudden Headaches Or Migraines
*Severe Swelling
*Unilateral Swelling
Postpartum massages can begin as soon as you feel comfortable to receive bodywork.
The postpartum timeframe can last approximately 6 months after delivery.
That is roughly the time it takes for the body to naturally heal.
Every woman is different!
Every massage experience will be different!
Massages can help to restore the body to its pre-pregnancy condition, speed healing, assist with your C-section scar rehabilitation, and even lessen any postpartum depression!
Benefit From Your Massages!
Book Yours Today!
Please Enjoy Any Snacks And Water Provided
π Baby Massage Classes Coming Soon π
Children & Teens!
Pediatric Massages support ages 2-17 years old with bodywork for their muscular discomforts and recoveries.
Massage Therapy is naturally noninvasive and vitally beneficial for active and inactive children and teens to relax, grow strong, or recover from injuries quickly!
Pediatric Massage Care Assists With :
π A Safe Space for Words & Feelings π
π§ ADHD Support π«Ά
π Mobility With Flexibility πͺ
π€― Anxieties Outlet π
βΉοΈ Behavioral Support π«Ά
βοΈ Boosting Natural Immunities βοΈ
π Circulation Care π
π©° Coordination π―βοΈ
π Comprehensive Wellness π
π£οΈ Communication ποΈ
π§ Developing Mental Mindset π
π Education Through Massage π
π Encouraging Oxygen-Rich Blood Flow π©Έ
π Feelings Of Happy & Positive β
πͺ Flexibility π§βοΈ
π§βοΈGreater Body AwarenessποΈ
πGrowth Factor Recovery π
𧦠Growth Hormones and Growth Pains π§¦
π€ΈβοΈGymnastics π
β€οΈπ©Ή Healing Therapeutics π
Healthy Touch Therapy
β¨(patient gives permission for bodywork) β¨
π₯ Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation π©Ό
πͺ Joint Mobilization π
π§Ά Knot Releasing π
Less π§βοΈTensions
β¬οΈ Lower Stress π±
β Mental & Body Awareness β
π«Non-Pharmaceutical Lifestyle π
πͺ Physical Activities Endurance π
π©» Poor PostureβοΈ
π₯³ Positively Engaging Social Interactions π
πΆ Quality “Kid” Time β³
π€ Restful Sleep π€π€
πͺSedentary Lifestyles π
π§βοΈ Sports π₯
πͺ Stronger Immune System π¨
π₯ Traumas to Musculoskeletal System π
πͺ Whiplash π€ͺ
πͺ΅ Wry Neck π
π΅π« ”Zoning Out” π«₯
Children live in a world of stimulations! Sometimes they need a calming environment with healthy therapies to unwind, relax and regroup so they too can feel better!
Session times may vary to allow for proper introductions, medical history updates and to help establish a strong pediatric therapeutic relationship.
Parents are required to be in the treatment room for All Therapeutic Pediatric Massage Sessions!
Jennifer Kendall, Owner, NCBTMB, LMT
Merrimack Medical Massage
Supporting Your Child’s Health, Activities & Lifestyle!
Always check with your doctor before beginning a new massage program!
Geriatric massages aid healthy lifestyles for relaxation, stress, and pain management.
Customizable continued massage care meets the therapeutic needs of this population of 65 years and wiser!
Merrimack Medical Massage strives towards building strong relationships that communicates efficiently and delivers effective therapeutics to patients so that they can thrive outside treatments.
Geriatric Massages Assists With:
Alzheimer’s Disease
Arthritic Conditions
Atrophied Muscles
Blood Oxygenation
Blood Pressure
Bodily Functions
Calming Aging Factors
Chronic Pain Relief
Comforting Touch To Seniors
Comprehensive Therapeutics
Deepened More Relaxed Breathing
Direct Care
Emotional Support
Fracture Rehabilitation
Gentle Touch Therapeutics
Happy Feelings
Healthy Communications
Heart Health
Individual Care
Irritable Bowels
Joint Flexibility & Mobility
Knot Releasing
Limb Loss
Lymphatic System Support
Maintaining Musculoskeletal Health
Mental Health Awareness
Natural Painkillers
Neuralgia Pains
Nervous System Support
Orthopedic Conditions
Pain Management
Phantom Pains
Physical Restrictions
Physical Touch Affects
Positive Affects
Quality Of Life
Relaxing Atmosphere
Ranges of Motion
Skin Conditions
Sleep Patterns
Stimulating Muscles
Stress Reduction
Systematic Functions
Trigger Point Releasing
Uplifting Mood
Vital Cellular Waste Removal
Weakened Muscles
“Zoning Out”
Senior populations do NOT receive enough physical contact!
Therefore, even just 15 minute hand massages may help you or a loved one!
A recent study showed massages performed over 6 weeks time lowers stress and aggressive behaviors of those living with Dementia.
Geriatric Massages Have No Contraindications!
Customizable Care at Merrimack Medical Massage!
Jennifer, your massage therapist, will frequently review your overall health, ask about medical conditions, if any health updates, current medications, and ask if you have any requests, concerns or questions.
Comprehensive treatments may include other massage tools like Thera-gun Therapy, any stones, Merrimack Medical Massage Pure CBD Oil, aromatherapy, paraffin and more!
Please inform Jennifer if needing accommodations, if any medical restrictions, troubles with undressing or dressing, or when needing support in any way!
Need Visiting Massage Therapy Services?
* Now Available By Appointment *
Contact Jennifer Kendall, NCBTMB, LMT
Massage Therapy Improves One’s Quality Of Life!
Paraffin is a melted wax therapy that softens and nourishes your skin while soothing neuropathies of tired and achey hands and feet.
Hypoallergenic and unscented paraffin wax is warmed to a liquid when we submerge your hands and feet and then wrap them with heat to nourish and soften.
Paraffin moisturizes the skin and provides a quick self care therapy that benefits more when applied frequently.
Add Merrimack Medical Massage Pure CBD Oil for additional bio-well-being.
Regular paraffin treatments reduce hand pain and improve grip strength, improving upon our quality of life!
Paraffin aids general arthritis, along with Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis
Eases Atopic Dermatitis & Chronic Hand Eczema
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis benefits from paraffin wax baths & therapeutic exercises together!
Paraffin treatments are as effective as ultrasound and TENS units for post- stroke spasticity.
Paraffin also helps Achilles Tendon stiffness for improving range of motion and mobility.
Thermotherapy with massage therapeutics are a great way to relieve aches, pains, stress, and other body ailments!
*A digital unit safely and effectively warms the wax evenly to prevent burning.*
Experience Any Time Of Year!
Enjoy Alone Or As A Benefit To Any Therapy!
Enjoy complementary aromatherapy and brainwave music during your session.
Unwind further by selecting a Swedish or deep tissue massage, stones, cupping, or CBD oil too!
Visit Merrimack Medical Massage
Wellness For Your Wellbeing
Lava Stones, Jade Stones, Cold Marble & Himalayan Salt Stones
Unwind with stone massages soothing your muscles faster than regular massages!
A great introductory to stones and for those sensitive to touch or pressure.
No oils, lotions, or mediums are used, just the warmth or coolness of the stones, placed or massaged over clothing or gently on bare skin.
Soothing for headaches, migraines, local inflammation & trigger points.
Relief that can be applied every day!
Cooled and ready for any hot flashes, headaches, migraines, or local inflammation! Can be used bare or with your favorite oils.
Refreshing On Warmer Days!
Warmed Lava, Jade or Himalayan Salt Stones with your favorite oils to soothe any arthritis, muscular aches, tensions, trigger points, stiffness and pains.
Perfect On Cooler Days!
Add Merrimack Medical Massage’s Pure CBD Oil to help calm and alleviate any aches and pains.
Stones Pair Perfect With Paraffin & Aromatherapy!
Stone Massages Are Perfect For Relaxation!
Treat Yourself Or Someone You Know To Stone Massage Therapy
Merrimack Medical Massage
Call Or Text To Be Next!
Rhythmic vibrational massages can help our bodies relax by soothing muscular tension, anxieties and sensory sensitivities.
By targeting tension specific areas vibrational massage helps to break down adhesions promoting flexibility, circulation, and sensory desensitization, resulting in the calmness of mind, fascia, and musculoskeletal systems.
The Thera-Gun pulsates up to 4800 RPM’s…
Always check in regarding pressure, if there is increased pain or any uncomfortable areas be sure to openly communicate!
Other methods of vibrational therapy include:
•Tuning Forks to align our chakras and allow healing via sound therapy!
•Bone Conduction for Tinnitus, TMJ and hearing loss!
•Manual vibrational therapy that is much less vigorous than the Thera-Gun!
Feel the relief and allow yourself some extra time to unwind.
By Appointment Only
Jennifer Kendall, LMT
Chair & Mobile Services For:
Sporting Events…
Company Outings…
Staff Appreciation…
Party Events…
Corporate Events…
Business Appreciation…
Birthday Events…
Weddings / Showers…
Holiday Celebrations…
Improving Work Productivity…
For Those On The Go!…
For Some Medical Conditions…
Special Populations…
Arm & Hand Massages…
Simple Tension, Stress & Muscle Relief…
Book in office chair or mobile services with Merrimack Medical Massage
Jennifer Kendall, Owner, NCBTMB, LMT
Book Your Sessions Today!
* Expires June 30, 2024! *